Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ray Charles is GOD!

If God is Love, And Love is Blind, And Ray Charles is Blind, THEN RAY CHARLES IS GOD!


(This is only my take on things, from this very human perspective ... I am NO expert or authority.  I'm not saying that what I type is The Truth -- I am VERY FAR from being qualified to claim to even get close to it.  Actually, I cannot even claim this to be "my take on things."  I got most of this from other people, books, personal experiences, etc.  I didn't come up with all this on my own)  

I know some "Christians" who think I'm cracked.  But, I also know others with whom we can speak the same language  ... once we get past petty words, semantics, definitions ... and talk about Real Experience of God.  

For me,  God is Everything and Everything is Love.  God = Love = Everything = You = Me = Jesus = Satan.  A lot of people squirm when I say things like, "I am God.  And, you are too."  They don't get that there's a difference between "Being God" and "Playing God."  I am an Agent of God.  That sounds arrogant.  But, if I'm not an agent of God, then I'm an agent of my Self, my Ego, and that is even MORE arrogant.  

I prolly cannot claim to be a Christian (in the usual sense of the word).  Mostly, cuz I believe that we're all already saved (but, I could be wrong), that Heaven and Hell are places we can go to RIGHT NOW (I've spent time at both in this lifetime), and that since God is Everything, then Not-God (or Satan/Hell) cannot really exist (although, sometimes I create the illusion that they are real).  

By my logic, what some people call "Christ," I call "Love."  I guess that makes me a "Loveian."  It's just semantics -- mere words.  Different symbols pointing to the same Experience.   It's in all of us, no matter what you call it, or recognize it.  It is the energy that flows thru all things.    

It matters nil whether you believe in God or not.  She believes in you.  He made you this way for a reason, so just go with it.  On the other hand, if you struggle with "what's the truth," then just know that God is Love.  If you can't believe in Love, then you're either a psychopath or just hurt and bitter (we've all been there ... this too shall pass).  And even if you're bitter, try acting lovingly to someone.  Pretty soon, you'll begin to love them.  Then, you'll understand all you need to know about God.

Everything about this existence is mostly an illusion ... what my mind and five senses tells me.  The illusion that you are separate from me, is just an idea created by my Ego, which is just who I think I am when I ponder things in the absence of LOVE.  

I used to think we were all different, but now I know we're all the same.  Not just identical separate beings, but actually THE SAME.  At my deepest level, there is Universal Mind, which is You TOO!  We are literally one ... it's not just a song lyric or a New Age Warm-n-Fuzzy.  
IT IS REAL.  GOD IS LOVE.  LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.  GOD IS IN ME.  I AM IN GOD.  I AM YOU.  YOU ARE GOD.   If you're like me, this sounds rediculous when I read it with my Ego.  Ego cannot fathom this, as it threatens It's very existence.  So, check again.  Can you read it from your REAL SELF?  Many cannot, so I don't blame you if you hit your back button now. 
But, I could be ENTIRELY wrong about ALL of this (God knows I've been wrong before).  

Please know that I respect any spiritual beliefs that you may have.  I am not interested in debating or arguing one point over another.  However, I would cherish you sharing any of your own personal experience with God, rather than anything I could read in a book, or hear in church (I prolly already dun that).  

All I ask, is that if, as you type to me, you suddenly realize your motive as wanting to tell an opposing view as mine (cuz you feel it your duty), then please refrain.  Instead, share with me how you've loved the world and how you love God's children.  That's what I wanna hear!!    

Truth is, we're both right.  And, neither is wrong.  My spirituality has evolved and transformed over time.  I started as Proud Athiest.  

Nothing is really wrong in God's world anyway.  At any given time in any moment in life, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG.  YOU ARE COMPLETE AND WHOLE JUST AS YOU ARE.  THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO IN THIS WORLD THAT COULD CHANGE HOW MUCH GOD LOVES YOU.  YOU ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN, SO FORGIVE YOURSELF.  (but hey, I'm only human, it's just my opinion, i could be wrong)

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