Thursday, February 26, 2015

Investigate Social Constructs

Consider an entire society that collectively BELIEVES in things that are actually NOT REAL. Then consider what issues or problems might arise from an entire people RELATING to these fabrications AS IF THEY WERE ACTUALLY REAL!

And, what would happen if these people recognized that they had been lied to, in order to be socially controlled by a few aristocrats whose families had been "in power" for generations.

These few elite hold the majority of "wealth" and desire to keep it that way. That means keeping the majority under the illusion that they are powerless to change this imbalance.

And so, this ruling class implemented methods of distracting the masses. They kept them stupefied and convinced them of falsehoods that they then collectively accepted on faith and agreed were true.

... and then imagine if they broke out of the illusion and discovered they were actually FREE!

Certain social constructions might surprise you if you've never thought about society in scientific or sociological terms before.

Here's a list, just to name a few. Can you list more?

- Government: this one they REALLY want you to believe, Sheeple.

- Organized Religions

- Marriage ... nobody has ever had a "relationship." It doesn't exist. Really? Show IT to me!

- Time? Really? Alive for 50 years? SHOW ME 50 yrs!
     - "The Clock Game":
5 o'clock? It never has been.
      - "The Calendar Game": September is made-up. And, it's not 2015!
          Accept Reality, and you'll never have another Monday morning again. No Saturday either.
       Truth: There is no Time. (There's really no Space either. But, that topic is beyond the scope of this post).

- Family

- Education: there are no Degrees or Certifications.

- Gender

- Race

- Power

- Sexuality

- Deviance

- Technology

- Femininity and Masculinity

- Patriotism and Nationalism: there is no America and no Texas in Reality.

- Status. Class. Socio-economic levels. Middle Class? Nope!

- Intelligence: No one is smarter or dumber than anyone else.

- Money: it's just paper.

... notice that part of you that does not want to accept the truth. We were born into this psych ward. We have invested our entire lives into it! This can't be!

Guess what?
There's NO one in charge. There is NO Authority over you.
You can think for yourself.
You can walk around just like any of the other animals can.
You can live your life by YOUR OWN Rules!

- You gotta go to school to get a good job.
- You gotta make a lot of money to be Happy.
- You gotta work at least 40 hours a week ... 50 or 60 if you really wanna succeed.
- You NEED that money, that car, that house, that job, that beer, that TV, that vacation, that girl, those clothes, those toys, blah, blah, blah.

No one can do it for you.
THINK dialectically.

When you wake up, everything changes. You will comprehend the word Freedom and you will know Peace. Just like in the Matrix when Neo finally KNEW ... he could freeze bullets in the air.


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