Do you want to change the world?... or, at least have more power to influence others?
Then, simply STOP trying to change the world! Surprisingly, it will miraculously transform before your eyes...
I realize that I am naive to think that this post, or any post for that matter, could provide you with radical Power to make a difference in the world.
But, if you are so inclined to investigate and practice these principles further, you will become a cerebral badass!
We disagree. I'm right. You're wrong.
Try this...
1) Full empathetic LISTENING - "Walk in their moccasins" 100%, in order to completely see their view... there are reasons why their view is obstructed. Find them all.
..... a) ACKNOWLEDGE their good points,
..... b) Grant them PERMISSION to disagree with you. Accept and allow.
2) SOCRATIC QUESTIONING: ask the right questions, causing them to look inside for their answer.
You don't GIVE an answer. They FIND IT within themselves. They own it. It's theirs.
..... you don't argue your position or argue against theirs: let go of any resistance = defending, fighting, ignoring, etc. = what we resist, persists.
Never TELL THEM what they SHOULD believe.
Never TELL THEM WHY they are "wrong" or WHY they SHOULD agree with your position. (In reality, there is no RIGHT or WRONG.)
Remember that you have the same mushy monkey-brain that they have!
And, it's made of the same water and meat in that squishy burger you had for lunch (and equally as nutritious)😱😧... Belch!🍔🍗🍕🍣🍳 = 🐮🐷🐔🐟 = 🐏🐐 🐶🐱🐰🐵 = 🐊 🐀🐢🐸🐍🐌🐛🐜🐞 = 🚽💩
Your brain is unreliable, irrational, emotional, seriously flawed and literally insane! You are one hot mess! TeeHee! 😆
..... If your position is really the "right" one, then it will naturally and spontaneously arise FROM them, and FOR them ... effortlessly, powerfully and shockingly profoundly.
You have just revolutionized their experience of reality and permanently altered the trajectory of their life.
Now, how cool is that?
This post was inspired by Blaise Pascal. CLICK Here for more on this topic.