Monday, November 24, 2014

Overcome Procrastination NOW!

"Overcoming Procrastination" has absolutely NOTHING to do with waiting for the right time when I "feel like doing it," or "trying to make myself feel like doing it." THAT WILL NEVER, EVER HAPPEN. EVER! I have already proven that. 

In fact, that is actually part of the problem, and only serves to make the problem worse. 

However, the solution might have EVERYTHING to do with asking myself the right questions. 

Have big enough WHY and the What, When, Where, Who, How and How Often will take care of themselves. 

The sole presence of THE WHY, being alive in The Present, will resolve each of the other questions in each moment of NOW. God will guide me along the way ... the right thoughts, words and actions will be provided at precisely the right time, no sooner or later. I trust Him completely. 

So, those future moments are presently none of my concern. WHAT A RELIEF!

What are the fundamental, core values of my life? (answering this will take several hours with pen and paper). 

In what priority do these core values hold, in specific order? (ie: Family comes before Work). 

How can I schedule my time and my activities so that they align with my core Commitments? (this is real Integrity) ... and therefore, live the life I love?  

• Get fully acquainted with my "Future Self." (write it down). 
... Who will I be a week from now? ... a month, year, 2 years, 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 20 yrs, 30 yrs, 50 yrs?

If you're old enough to read this, then you prolly  never imagined that YOU WOULD EVER ACTUALLY BE THIS OLD! If not, then it is soon to come. And, FAST! Might as well have fun and play the game to win, right?

(Tip: you will get a terminal disease, or get hit by a truck and die, and lose everything you ever had, loved, cherished, including your family, all your loved ones and friends, and every possession you ever thought you owned.)

How ya like me now?



Back to Future Self:
Consider that he ALREADY EXISTS inside you, in the Spiritual Realm ...

... What does he look like?
... What does his life look like?
... How does he spend his time?
... What does he experience on a day-to-day basis?
... What are his specific circumstances: Work, Family, Romance, Finance, Leisure, Spirituality, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Happiness, etc. 

What, SPECIFICALLY, does my "Future Self" want me to complete along the way, so that he WILL live that life he loves? 

• What are the "Specific MEASURABLE Results" that are REQUIRED to produce that pre-determined, final outcome?

(What "Present Self" wants to do now will only lead to a miserable Future Self ... which will soon become Present Self).  

What specific tasks need to be scheduled IN A FUNCTIONAL Time Management tool (analog or digital daily planner)? 
... with specific deadlines, completion of sub goals,  necessary for realization of Ultimate Goal. 

Oh, if you are a Perfectionist ... deal with it! Afraid to make a mistake? ... DEAL! You CAN get over it and LIVE. 

Happy, successful people seek out failure and learn from it. It is required curriculum. 

Just be Average. Just do passing work ... just suit-up and show-up, and leave the results up to God. 

One last tip: "The very next thing to do is NEVER hard."

Well, that's enough for now. If you are not TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH ALL OF LIFE, then you are doing it wrong. 

God Bless!

Friday, August 15, 2014


How can you tell if an illusion is not real?  

You can't. That's the definition of illusion ... I AM ABSOLUTLY, 100% POSITIVE that the world IS, and you ARE exactly the way I SEE IT. PERIOD.  
(The Myth of IS, BECAUSE and I).  

Time and Space are illusions. The REAL Reality is beyond this world of form, and I can experience this Truth.  

Every "-ology" is a study of nothing. Everybody sees the movie on the screen, thinking it's real, trying to change the projected image, while the source of the problem is back in the 
projector room.  

That means that we are simply dreaming. "The World" was over long ago, and every problem I think I have now has already been solved.  

Granted, it's the true definition of Illusion ... To be an illusion, it has to appear 100% real ... just like in a sleeping dream, no matter how bizarre or impossible the events, we never question it's validity while were in the dream state ... RIGHT? 
Same here.  

Question everything. Then question your questioning. And then question it again ... and again ... 

... not IN ORDER TO find THE answer or "The Truth." That's just more of the illusion, the entire ego thought system. 

Let it go. Turn away from what seems real. Instead, turn to that which seems unreal.